22 Other Ways to Say “Please Advise”

Irha Queen

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22 Other Ways to Say "Please Advise"

In professional and personal communication, the phrase “Please advise” is a common way to request guidance, feedback, or recommendations. While effective, using this phrase repeatedly can come across as monotonous or overly formal. Diversifying your language not only keeps your communication fresh but also allows you to tailor your tone to suit different contexts and audiences.

Whether youโ€™re seeking input on a decision, clarifying next steps, or asking for expert insight, there are numerous alternatives to “Please advise” that convey your request just as effectivelyโ€”if not more so. In this guide, youโ€™ll discover creative and context-specific phrases to help make your communication more engaging and precise.

1. Could You Provide Your Insights?

Definition: A polite way to ask someone to share their perspective or understanding of a matter.
Example: “Could you provide your insights on the recent team reorganization?”

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2. What Are Your Thoughts?

Definition: A straightforward way to request someone’s opinion or feedback.
Example: “What are your thoughts on this marketing strategy?”

3. I Would Appreciate Your Input

Definition: A respectful phrase to request someoneโ€™s guidance or opinion.
Example: “I would appreciate your input on the design proposal.”

4. Could You Help Clarify?

Definition: A request for explanation or additional details on a particular topic.
Example: “Could you help clarify the next steps for the project?”

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5. Can You Weigh In on This?

Definition: Asking someone to contribute their opinion or expertise to a discussion.
Example: “Can you weigh in on this customer feedback?”

6. What Do You Recommend?

Definition: A direct question seeking a suggested course of action.
Example: “What do you recommend for improving the user experien

7. Please Share Your Thoughts

Definition: A courteous request for someoneโ€™s opinion or ideas.
Example: “Please share your thoughts on the new policy draft.”

8. Could You Offer Your Expertise?

Definition: A formal way to request professional advice.
Example: “Could you offer your expertise on this legal matter?”

9. What Is Your Perspective?

What Is Your Perspective
What Is Your Perspective

Definition: A neutral way to ask for someoneโ€™s viewpoint or stance.
Example: “What is your perspective on the upcoming changes?”

10. I Would Value Your Guidance

Definition: Expressing appreciation for someoneโ€™s advice or direction.
Example: “I would value your guidance on the restructuring plan.”

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11. Could You Provide Direction?

Definition: Asking for specific steps or guidance on an issue.
Example: “Could you provide direction on how to address this customer complaint?”

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12. Please Let Me Know Your Suggestions

Definition: A straightforward way to ask for input or recommendations.
Example: “Please let me know your suggestions for streamlining our workflow.”

13. What Is Your Recommendation?

Definition: A request for a preferred solution or approach.
Example: “What is your recommendation for handling this issue?”

14. Can You Suggest a Solution?

Definition: Asking for ideas or advice on solving a problem.
Example: “Can you suggest a solution for the budget shortfall?”

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15. Could You Share Your Advice?

Could You Share Your Advice
Could You Share Your Advice

Definition: A polite way to ask for someoneโ€™s thoughts or counsel.
Example: “Could you share your advice on presenting the findings to the board?”

16. What Would You Advise?

Definition: A direct question for specific advice or guidance.
Example: “What would you advise for dealing with the supply chain delay?”

17. Could You Provide Your Recommendations?

Definition: Asking for a detailed list of suggestions or advice.
Example: “Could you provide your recommendations for the annual report structure?”

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18. How Should We Proceed?

Definition: A practical way to ask for next steps or a course of action.
Example: “How should we proceed with the product launch?”

19. Can You Guide Me on This?

Definition: Requesting help or direction on a particular matter.
Example: “Can you guide me on this technical challenge?”

20. Iโ€™d Appreciate Your Feedback other ways to say please advise

 Iโ€™d Appreciate Your Feedback other ways to say please advise
Iโ€™d Appreciate Your Feedback other ways to say please advise

Definition: A respectful way to ask for input or opinions.
Example: “Iโ€™d appreciate your feedback on my presentation outline.”

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21. What Is Your Opinion?

Definition: A straightforward way to ask for someoneโ€™s perspective or thoughts.
Example: “What is your opinion on the new hiring policy?”

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22. Could You Share Your Suggestions?

Definition: A request for someone to provide ideas or solutions.
Example: “Could you share your suggestions for improving employee morale?”


Expanding your vocabulary with alternatives to “Please advise” can significantly enhance the clarity and tone of your communication. Whether you’re seeking guidance, requesting input, or asking for recommendations, using varied expressions ensures your message is both engaging and professional.

By tailoring your language to the situation and audience, you can foster better understanding and collaboration. Remember, the way you phrase your requests can set the tone for how others respond. With these alternatives, youโ€™ll have the tools to communicate effectively and leave a positive impression.

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