
13 Other Ways to Say "Glad to Hear That"

13 Other Ways to Say “Glad to Hear That”

Jenni maic

When someone shares good news, your response matters. Using the same phrase repeatedly, like Glad to hear that, can feel ...

16 Synonyms for "Tone-Deaf"

16 Synonyms for “Tone-Deaf”

Jenni maic

The phrase “tone-deaf” has two meanings: one literal and one figurative. Literally, it refers to someone who lacks musical ability. ...

12 Other Ways to Say "Including But Not Limited To"

12 Other Ways to Say “Including But Not Limited To”

Jenni maic

In professional, academic, and legal writing, the phrase 12 Other Ways to Say “Including But Not Limited To” is commonly ...

12 Other Ways to Say "Fruits of Your Labor

12 Other Ways to Say “Fruits of Your Labor

Irha Queen

The phrase “fruits of your labor” vividly captures the rewards earned through hard work, much like a harvest reaped after ...